Web Technology

This website was developed with the open-source platform ASP.NET Core MVC from Microsoft. "MVC" stands for a design pattern with the elements Model, View and Controller. Each of these has a particular responsibility.

MVC Web Technology
Models: classes that represent the data entities and view models used on the website. This is where the business logic resides.
Views: these are so called Razor files that render data in view models into HTML web pages, as instructed by the controller.
Controllers: classes that execute code when an HTTP request arrives at the web server. Controller handle all communication between the Model and the View.

Database: these are needed to store persistent data on a dedicated server, for data retrieval by the Model.
The MVC pattern helps create apps that are more testable and easier to update than traditional monolithic apps. Separation of concerns means that changes in one area can be accomplished without affecting other areas.