My name is Dirk. This is my personal website I created with the web technology described here.

This site is dynamic, meaning that you can interact with the content by for example filtering the information about training certificates, my articles or co-authored publications.

Writing code in the programming language C# has been my hobby for the past 7 years. The intention with this website is to provide a reference of the acquired skills. It tells also a little bit about various stages of my life, whether professional or personal.

To simulate business logic in the backend I added the example of a calculation, based on your input. The results of the calculation of a quadratic equation are presented in table format on screen.

Another example for business logic is to calculation of the great-circle distance using the Haversine formula for an idealized round Earth.

You are welcome to explore the various pages via the buttons visible in the upper task bar.

In case you want to comment on the content or layout you are welcome to do that via email: hello(at) Just replace (at) with the @ sign.