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Benefits of Meditation



This could be an article to summarize the scientific body of knowledge about the benefits of meditation. After all, being a scientist myself, I should always strive for robustness and objective evidence in my claims.

There are areas in life that defy the logic of objective proof. Every sensible person intuitively knows how one should behave in society on the basis of a universally valid ethical-moral compass.

Another self-evident activity is body hygiene. Would you require a peer-reviewed publication about the benefits of washing your body with soap, before stepping into the shower? No.

Why then is mental hygiene not on our list of daily activities? Some of us carry a baggage of emotional pain on our shoulders, others are more fortunate to sense "only" a disturbing level of unease that prevents us from living a happy life.

As a soul we were given this life - manifested as physical body with a mind - as an opportunity to learn, to master challenges and to lead a fulfilling life. Do we take the time to reflect about this gift? Do we make decisive adjustments, or in some cases, even tear down destructive elements in our lives to pursue higher levels of awareness? Rarely.

What we do instead is maintaining random thoughts, often with self-criticism and negativity towards others and the job, politics, the spouse etc. Most of our thoughts are not original, they are repetitive and were picked up unknowingly from sources of low consciousness. Would we carry trash of others while walking on the street? No. So, why do we let negativity creep into our minds without questioning?

We have the power in ourselves to create our life as we wish, if we first acknowledge that we are solely responsible what happens to us on a personal level. If we take decisive steps to free ourselves from any harness the Universe will support us in the quest of attaining a joyful life, whatever the circumstances of life are.

Every moment we choose between light and darkness, and we constantly manifest with our thoughts what happens to us. The Universe fulfills our needs to the extent, that we are open to the possibility. Every thought creates a reaction in our body.

Meditation helps to eliminate and purify nagging thoughts, to activate the subconscious and to gain access to the Universal Mind that is built on Wisdom, Love and Light. At the inmost center of being, behind our thoughts and feelings, we are calm, peaceful, well and whole.

Resting within this space, by focusing on the breath rhythm or by looking into a imaginary source of light through the forehead (eyes closed) unleashes energies that we can use in our daily life. We are less irritated, become more neutral to what happens around us and we sense the beauty of life naturally.

Meditating 30 min a day consistently over a period of several months triggers a positive transformation in our thoughts and attitude. Meditating over a even longer time helps us to realize that we are primarily souls that incarnated as a body. If we transcend our awareness we gradually acknowledge that we are spiritual beings eternally, subject to the transient human condition.

Meditation is the process of relaxed flow of attention to our original spiritual level of being which is Light. And, as a physicist, I realize that through Albert Einstein's famous equation E = mc**2 that everything in the Universe constitutes the original Light that we were created from.

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