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Good journalism provides a balanced view of the world



Good journalism is a cornerstone of a functioning society. Balanced reporting counteracts the deterioration of openness and freedom of expression. Reading free, often emotionally loaded or tendentious articles have an effect on us at the level of the subconscious. Why do we think a journalist should not be compensated fairly, as any other well-regarded profession?

Some time ago I closed all my social media accounts (except for LinkedIn) and began to use my dedicated time for reading newspapers like the New York Times, Financial Times, and the German Handelsblatt.

Already after 12 months, I have noticed that my perception of the state of affairs in the world has changed. I am not saying that any of these newspapers are free of bias, and it is important to maintain a critical mind towards the opinions presented. However, taking a view from the outside (in this case Britain and the US) helps to discern bias and prejudices. Having said that, one could argue that a Western view of the world leads to a distortion itself.

And yes, that is the next level of aspiration I have: expand to the Chinese or aboriginal Australian way of thinking and society, just to name two. The sheer contrast between these two examples in terms of size, characteristics, and influence is just a reflection of diversity and of an impartial attitude one should develop.

We emphasize in business that we should place ourselves in the position of the customer and predict his/her behaviour. In other matters, we tend to forget that and remain in our world of thoughts, without reflection on why. We are entrenched to persist in our own value system.

It's not about denying our own cultural background, but more about recognizing the beauty in diversity and cultural richness humans have brought to the world. Perhaps that would be a starting point for internal harmony, and for lasting peace among humans. After all, we are an integral part of nature and the vast Universe literally opening up in front of us (e.g. James Webb Space Telescope).

You might say: what a leap from journalism to the Universe. For me, that is not so far-fetched. Every thought and action has an effect on the human and universal consciousness, as everything is connected.

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